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Gruppo ISEM and Gruppo Industrial Pack to merge

Oct 7, 2022

Gruppo ISEM and Gruppo Industrial Pack announce their merger into an entity controlled by Peninsula

Gruppo Isem has completed the acquisition of Gruppo Industrial Pack with the aim to consolidate the positioning of the group in the premium and luxury sectors. The two companies are rapidly growing and complementary European leading players in the luxury packaging industry.

The new-born group aims to offer top quality products and services, with a flexible and lean production line able to fulfil its customers need, while being concerned about sustainability, a trend that heavily affects the luxury packaging market.

Francesco Pintucci, current shareholder and CEO of Gruppo Isem, will be the CEO of Industrial Pack, while Carlo Gregori, current main shareholder and Chairman of Industrial Pack, will be shareholder of Gruppo Isem and Vice-Chairman of both Isem and Industrial Pack.

The two groups will maintain their current production footprint and internal organization, benefitting from industrial and operational synergies of their employees, key drivers of the growth registered by both groups in the recent years, despite of the complex environment characterized by strong volatility and instability currentlyaffecting the global economic cycle.

Gruppo ISEM consists of two historic Italian luxury packaging companies, ISEM e Grafiche Bramucci. Founded in 1949 in Vigevano, ISEM was one of the first printing companies in Italy to import production machinery from the United States to improve the quality and speed of the processes, constantly increasing its production during the 70s and 80s. As of today, ISEM is among the leaders in the European market for luxury rigid boxes for perfumery, cosmetics and wine & spirits, representing the strategic partner of several customers worldwide. Grafiche Bramucci founded in Sesto San Giovanni in 1966, was initially producing fine, entirely handcrafted, folding boxes. In the 70s, Grafiche Bramucci industrialized its production process and moved into the production of high-end folding boxes becoming a major player in the luxury sector. Currently, the company is leader in the manufacturing of boxes for the cosmetics and luxury sector, with an annual production of more than 50 million pieces.

Gruppo Industrial Pack is the result of the merger of three historical Italian companies, leaders in the design

and production of packaging for high quality Made in Italy products, (counter displays, rigid and folding boxes, tissue) in particular Industrial Box, Velincart and Pack+. With more than 70 years of experience, these Companies merged in a single Group in 2019 giving birth to Industrial Pack, in line with the philosophy that today drives the merger with Isem Group, with the aim of being an integrated Group able to provide to its reference market a broad product portfolio becoming a one-stop-shop for its customers offering the right solution to meet their needs.

Francesco Pintucci commented “Just a few months ago, with the entry of Peninsula as a controlling shareholder, we set ourselves an ambitious goal to accelerate the industrial development of Gruppo Isem, which I started in 2018 with the acquisition of Grafiche Bramucci, through the combination of organic growth and diversification, aggregating other historical and excellent companies operating in the cellulose-based packaging sector. I am proud to announce this partnership with a Group that is strategically based in Italy with stateof-the-art plants and has a long history as excellence in the luxury packaging sector thanks to the distinctive expertise of its employees and the leadership of a visionary entrepreneur from whom we can benefit in terms of expertise and experience. I am convinced that, with Carlo Gregori at my side, in addition to the Chairman Marco Giovannini, and thanks to the support of our employees, the Group can continue to grow, develop new ESG solutions in order to become a global leader, expanding to new geographies and facing new challenges globally," follows Francesco Pintucci, "while being aware that we operate in a complex economic context and in a competitive scenario that requires us to have the ability to innovate while remaining flexible."

Carlo Gregori commented: “I am happy and proud of this partnership, becoming part of Isem Group, which has marked the history of our industry and has always been one of my main references since the first years when, back in 1984, I began my career in this sector. Common goals, philosophy, and strategies are certainly a way to address and overcome the obstacles of a complex global macroeconomic framework, that at the same time gives important opportunities to those who are able to take them”, follows Carlo Gregori, “The opportunity to stand alongside CEO Francesco Pintucci, and Chairman Marco Giovannini, gives me further motivation to help them grow and improve this Group.”

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